2. Novel concepts and approaches in managment of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae)

Role Name Lecture title
Organizers Nick Papadopoulos and Souleymane Nacro Introduction to management of fruit flies
Speaker Marc Schetelig Novel concepts in Sterile Insect Technique
Speaker Antonios Avgoustinos Enhanced SIT to eradicate and contain small outbreaks of fruit flies
Speaker Souleymane Nacro Effectiveness of Four Integrated Pest Management Approaches in the Control of Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Mango Agro-Ecosystems in the South-Sudanian Zone of Burkina Faso
Speaker Georgia Papadogiorgou Ceratitis Capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) invasion success: insights into cold tolerance and overwintering capacity in novel environments
Speaker Elma Bali A Novel Methodological Approach To Detect Low-Density Populations Of The Mediterranean Fruit Fly To Support Efficient Eradication And Containment Approaches
Speaker Slawomir Lux The fallacy of the classic IPM paradigm in managing fruit flies of tropical origin
Speaker Ming Yi Chou Duo Tephritid Fruit Fly Automated Monitoring System For Establishing Pest Free Production For The Green House Tomato
Speaker Marco Colacci Use Of The Pestonfarm Model For The Management Of Ceratitis Capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) Populations